Please see below for communities in the Kiiwetinoong Riding that have 1. Declared States of Emergencies, 2. Travel Restrictions 3. Travel Bans.
Updated on April 23, 2020
Emergency Measures
- Pikangikum First Nation is in lockdown as of April 8-May 6. This will be re-evaluated after May 6 every two weeks.
- King Fisher Lake First Nation is holding a Practice Drill of a Full Community Lockdown beginning at 12:00 pm on April 6 and ending at 12:00 pm on April 7.
- Nibinamik First Nation is holding a Practice Drill of a Full Community Lockdown at 12:00 pm on April 8 and ending at 12:00 pm on April 9.
- Wunnumin Lake first Nation is holding a Practice Drill of a Full Community Lockdown from Sunday April 12 at 10 pm to Monday April 13 at 10 pm.
Communities that have declared States of Emergency
- Nibinamik First Nation declared a State of Emergency on May 13, 2020
- Eabametoong First Nation declared a State of Emergency on March 31, 2020
- Sandy Lake First Nation declared a State of Emergency on March 31, 2020
- The Municipality of Red Lake declared a State of Emergency on March 31, 2020
- North Caribou Lake First Nation declared a State of Emergency on March 30, 2020
- Sachigo Lake First Nation declared a State of Emergency on March 30, 2020
- Bearskin Lake First Nation declared a State of Emergency on March 20, 2020
- Wapekeka First Nation declared a State of Emergency on March 19, 2020
- Muskrat Dam First Nation declared a State of Emergency on March 18, 2020
- The Municipality of Sioux Lookout declared a State of Emergency on March 18, 2020
- Wabaseemoong Independent First Nation (White Dog) declared a State of Emergency on March 18, 2020
Communities with Travel Restrictions
- North Spirit Lake First Nation restricted air travel as of April 4, 2020
- Wunnumin Lake First Nation restricted travel to only essential service providers as of April 2, 2020
- Sandy Lake First Nation restricted travel as of March 25, 2020
- Eabametoong First Nation restricted travel as of March 19, 2020
- Lac Seul First Nation restricted travel as of March 16, 2020
Communities with Travel Bans
- Cat Lake First Nation enacted a travel ban on March 12, 2020
- Bearskin Lake First Nation enacted a travel ban on March 13, 2020
- North Caribou Lake First Nation enacted a travel ban on March 13, 2020
- North Spirit Lake First Nation enacted a travel ban on March 16, 2020
- Wunnumin Lake First Nation engaged a travel ban on March 16, 2020
- Neskantaga First Nation enacted a travel ban on March 16, 2020
- Muskrat Dam First Nation enacted a travel ban on March 18, 2020
- Sandy Lake First Nation enacted a travel ban on March 20, 2020
- Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (Big Trout Lake) enacted a travel ban on March 28, 2020
Border Closures
- April 6, 2020; Band Council Resolution: First Nation Border Closure Order
- April 6, 2020; Supplementary Band Council Resolution: First Nation Border Closure Order
- April 6, 2020; Band Council Resolution: Community COVID-19 Measures
Communities with Restrictions Pending
- Kingfisher Lake First Nation*
- Mishkeegogamang First Nation*
- Wawakapewin First Nation*
- Wunnumin Lake First Nation*
Travel Ban Pending*
**Please contact us if you have any additional information and we will update this site immediately.**