Sol Mamakwa MPP for Kiiwetinoong

Government of Ontario

Latest News

June 18, 2020

First Nations communities facing life-threatening COVID-19 crisis need Ford’s help now

QUEEN’S PARK – First Nations communities in Ontario’s Far North facing the COVID-19 pandemic need additional support and action from the Ford government to contain the virus, said Kiiwetinoong MPP ... More
June 13, 2020

Mamakwa calls on Ford to support Kiiwetinoong First Nations to contain COVID-19

VERMILION BAY – Doug Ford’s government must help Kiiwetinoong First Nations to contain COVID-19, said Sol Mamakwa, NDP Official Opposition Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation critic.   The com... More
June 9, 2020

It's been a year. Ford must commit to UNDRIP.

Sol Mamakwa, the NDP’s critic for Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, issued the following statement after Doug Ford failed to answer a question Monday on the provincial government’s commitmen... More
May 20, 2020

Ford must consult with First Nations before reopening the North: Mamakwa

Ford must consult with First Nations before reopening the North: Mamakwa   More
April 14, 2020

Ontario's ODSP clawback leaves families eligible for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit worse off in the COVID-19 crisis

QUEEN’S PARK — The NDP Official Opposition is calling for the government to stop Ontario’s clawback rules for social assistance recipients during the COVID-19 pandemic. This clawback policy risks l... More
April 3, 2020

NDP called Grassy Narrows deal a step forward, calls for provincial help

SIOUX LOOKOUT — NDP MPP Sol Mamakwa (Kiiwetinoong), the critic for Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, released the following statement regarding a new deal signed between the Grassy Narrows F... More
April 2, 2020

Letter to Minister of Indigenous Services Canada Marc Miller requesting land based funding for families in Ontario's far north

On March 30, Indigenous Services Canada announced funding to assist Indigenous families in Northwest Territories to go on the land and stop the spread of COVID-19. The “At Home on the Land” initiat... More
March 26, 2020

NDP calls for immediate help for Kashechewan First Nation to move to Site 5

Kashechewan left to flood, or evacuate to communities already strained by COVID-19 More
February 14, 2020

Statement in support of the Wet’suwet’en Nation

  QUEEN’S PARK — MPP Sol Mamakwa, the Official Opposition critic for Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, released the following statement in support of the Wet’suwet’en Nation, and supporting ... More
January 16, 2020

The government must do more to stop preventable deaths in First Nations communities

Sol Mamakwa, Ontario NDP critic for Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, released the following statement: “Too many First Nations know the heartbreak felt by Brody Meekis’ family, who lost the... More